Re: DHCP configuration question

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Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
Rick Stevens wrote:
Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
Ok, dumb question, but given that my
/var/lib/dhclient/ info shows that I'm clearly
getting a hostname and domain name, why does "hostname" return
localhost.localdomain (and "domainname" returns "(none)")?

What do I need to enable to make this work?



Asked and answered:

chkconfig NetworkManager off
Huh?  All that does is disable NetworkManager.  It won't affect the
hostname unless the dhclient script changes it for you or you have a
hostname in /etc/sysconfig/network and run the old network startup code
("chkconfig network on").
The old network code is on by default.
I missed that earlier.  Having both NM and the old code enabled 
simultaneously used to be a spectacularly bad thing to do.  They did not
play well with each other.  I don't know if that's true anymore, but I'd
either enable NM and disable classic or vice versa, but don't have them
both enabled.

Also, have a look at where need_hostname gets called in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-post ...


- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-         I don't get mad and I don't get even.  I get ahead!        -

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