Re: Where is pulseaudio started?

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Steven W. Orr wrote:
On 08/26/09 13:03, quoth Jonathan Ryshpan:
On Wed, 2009-08-26 at 09:25 +0200, Roberto Ragusa wrote:
stan wrote:
If you are using the default Fedora setup, you have your own version of
pulse started when you log in.  I notice that it also can be started by
programs that need its services, and that seems to be gconf-helper.
Isn't "autospawn" activated by default in /etc/pulse/client.conf?
That means you can have pulseaudio started by who knows what.
I don't think so.  On my system (Fedora-11 vanilla) autospawn is
commented out.


Ok. Why do you think it's commented out?

I'm looking at my copy and the comments in the top of the file begin with a
#sign but the config lines begin with a semi;colon. So right now I have no
idea what's a comment and what's required syntax.

Can pulseaudio be simply shut OFF? This thing really stinks.
It works for most people, Steven.  Some people (myself included) have
had issues with it, but that doesn't mean it "really stinks."

It's started in your session.  If you're using Gnome, go to

    System->Preferences->Startup Applications

and scroll down the list.  You can uncheck the box next to "PulseAudio
Sound System" to not have it start up, or delete it entirely.  There's
undoubtedly a similar thing for KDE, but since I'm not a KDE user, I
don't know where it is.  Someone else want to chime in?
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
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