Re: F11: gnome-session save is flaky.

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Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
Some applications are not saved/restored after
a boot and then a login. Sometimes, logging out
and logging back in will restore certain applications,
but it seems rather flaky.

I sure hope this will be resolved, at least in F12, but it
is better than F10, where it is not even implemented.
I believe that the application has to cooperate with the session manager
for that to fully work.  For example, I have Skype on my third desktop.
When I reboot or log back in, Skype always shows up on the first desktop
instead of the third.  Other apps such as Pidgin and my gnome-terminals
show up on desktops they were on when I logged out/rebooted.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-       "Yeah, but you're taking the universe out of context."       -

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