RE: How do I get totem + gstreamer-ffmpeg working?

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> Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 09:04:05 -0300
> From: blueser@xxxxxxxxx
> To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: How do I get totem + gstreamer-ffmpeg working?
> Hi,
> it's been 1 month since I installed F11, and I never could get totem to work with proprietary codecs which require gstreamer-ffmpeg. Totem does know it has to download proprietary codecs (nice), but doesn't recognize I already have it installed and keeps asking me to (re)install it, and then it fails saying it is (duh) already installed :-/
> According to Fedora's Bugzilla the problem lies on RPMFusion:
> According to RPMFusion it is fixed on the version on rpmfusion-free-updates-testing:
> However, I installed gstreamer-ffmpeg-0.10.8-1.fc11.x86_64 from rpmfusion-free-updates-testing and the problem still exists:
> (maybe I need to install something else from testing repo)
> So, if someone managed to workaround this, please let me know, it will be much appreciated. Also, if someone could actually fix this so that it "just works" as it was supposed to do, please, please, do it. It will be even more appreciated ;-)
> Regards,
> Andre

Hi Andre,
There are so many media players that I do not see why you want
to even bother to solve the problem with a crappy and lame media player
like totem. There are these players I use:
mplayer, kmplayer, smplayer, xine, gxine, gnome-mplayer (aka gmplayer ???), and Realplayer for Linux. And for audio only, amarok,  audacious, to name just a couple.



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