Re: A good desktop Wi-Fi card for Fedora 10

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William M. Quarles wrote:
Tim wrote:
On Fri, 2009-08-21 at 15:52 -0400, William M. Quarles wrote:
it conflicts with my Sigma Designs REALMagic Hollywood Plus DVD/MPEG-2
decoder card
Have you tried the obvious of moving the cards between slots.  Some
conflicts are just because of shared IRQs (some slots share IRQs with
other slots, or other on-board hardware).

Yes, and I have also tried reassigning the IRQs with the BIOS to fully 
make sure that they don't conflict. I still could not get them to work 
together, so I am pretty sure that it is not an IRQ problem. Neither 
OS locks up until it has loaded the drivers for both cards.
i would suggest that you look at wireless Ethernet bridges. I have three 
of them on our home LAN and they are the simplest to configure, no 
drivers needed. I have some brand new PCI card adapters still in the 
boxes, gave up on them long ago.
The Ethernet bridges are configured from your browser. I have one from 
Linksys and two from Buffalo, the latest  "Nfiniti wireless-N dual Band 
Ethernet controller" according to the box which I am looking at as I 
type this. Set one up and you can plug any computer into it, as I said 
no drivers to install, and in fact I have three computers and a laser 
printer connected to the four ports on this newest one.
My 2¢ worth.


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