Re: Kernel - PAE vs. non-PAE

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On 06/30/2009 09:27 PM, Steven F. LeBrun wrote:
When I installed F11 on my Toshiba laptop, it installed the PAE version
of the kernel. I am assuming that my laptop has a CPU with Physical
Address Extensions functionality and can therefore address up to 64GB of

My laptop only has 3 GB installed. Can anyone explain the pro's and
con's of using the PAE version of Linux kernel instead of the non-PAE

Would the PAE version of the 32-bit Linux Kernel see 4 GB of memory if
it was installed where Vista 32-bits only sees about 3GB? For that
matter would the non-PAE version see the full 4 GB?

Steven F. LeBrun

Quote: /"There are 10 types of people in this world, those that
understand binary and those who don't."/

Some laptops can only physically use 3gb of RAM. In this case, the PAE kernel would not be an advantage for you. If you install 4gb of RAM, then you will need the PAE kernel to use all 4gb. Again, this depends on the chipset. The core-duo can only use 3gb, but the core2-duo can use 4gb.
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