Re: Display all washed out

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Connect directly from the monitor to the system to eliminate if the KVM switch is the issue. Also use another cable to double check also, it is rare but not impossible for cables to break some wires inside.
	Those of you who remember old-fashioned color film cameras will
remember an occasional badly overexposed pic, in everything looked all
washed out, or bleached.

	I have an F11 PC that looks like that.

	It's behind a KVM switch with three other PCs, two running F11,
and one still running F10. All the others look normal, and this one used

	I've been trying for a couple days to get "yum install system-
config-display" to go to completion. Once it got as far as starting to
download, but then hung again.

	Why am I not getting that app? Is there some other way to fix the
washed-out look? It's so bad that most text is very hard to read.

Beartooth Staffwright, Neo-Redneck Not Quite Clueless Power User
I have precious (very precious!) little idea where up is.

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