Re: Desktop screwed up.

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Aaron Konstam writes:

Somehow I have screwed up my gnome desktop. I don't see the items in my
Desktop folder , I don't see my file folders for the computer of my home
folder , I have no Trash icon nor do I see mounted external devices.

Can someone tell me how to fix this situation in F11?

Finally I get nothing when I right click on thee desktop. How can I fix
Sounds like Nautilus and/or Gnome is messed up. There could be endless 
reasons for that. You could spend a week trying one thing or another, 
randomly, to no effect.
It's probably easier just to nuke everything from high orbit, first, and 
then recover. Rename your home directory, then create a new, empty, 
directory in its place, taking care to use the same userid and groupid.
Once you log in you should then get the default, initial, Gnome desktop. 
Then, you can manually move stuff over from your old home directory into 
your new one, one at a time.

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