Re: F11 scp stalls - rsync command

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On 06/28/2009 02:26 AM, Craig White wrote:
On Sat, 2009-06-27 at 16:18 +0000, Beartooth TpBkR wrote:
	I've been using scp to transfer data and settings around from one
machine on my LAN to another. (I know, I should use rsync instead; I hope
to get started learning it one of these days. Meanwhile, scp is the tool
to hand.)

	At the moment, I'm in process of copying my home directory (some
9.2 GB) from my #1 (F10) machine to one already upgraded to F11. But the
scp has stopped, after doing 23% of a .jar file, saying "stalled."

	What, if anything, can I do to make scp resume from where it left
I don't believe that you can with scp. You can always use a hammer to
take the cap off the top of a beer bottle but that doesn't mean that it
is the best tool for the job. You already know that rsync is a better
tool for this purpose.
And it is fairly easy:
rsync -a sourceip:/sourcefolder/ destip:/destfolder/

You will have already accepted the sshkey if your are successfully using scp.
The way I like to do it:
time rsync --progress --stats -az
So, not so hard, really.

This is how I effectively move the files:
1. rsync as above
2. rsync as above with -azc (to cause recheck of checksum comparison (not just file/size/times), confirms no problems with written data.
3. rsync --remove-source-files

You will probably have trouble if the myname user is logged in on either machine when you are trying this. Also, if the UID/GID are different between machines you might have a to sort that out.

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