Re: Firefox 3.5 beta occasionally completely locks system when starting f11 x86_64

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stan wrote:
On Sat, 27 Jun 2009 10:35:01 -0700
Jason Turning <jturning@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I haven't had a problem on my F11 x86_64 laptop. I do run the closed
Nvidia driver. Are you running a closed driver? Maybe it is locking
X, so see if you can re-enable the CTRL-ALT-BKSP key to reset just X.
No, I'm running whatever open driver X has selected.

It locks up hard, no keyboard or mouse response whatsoever.  So, while
this is probably a good possibility in other cases, not good for this.

Not to speak for Jason, but I think he meant for you to check if the system was locked up or just the X. Did you try ssh into the machine, or similar? Also, are you running GNOME or KDE. I suspect that there is more GNOME testing than KDE, and even less if you have the worthless frills.. I mean "visual enhancements" turned on. ;-)
Also, do you have flash working properly or could that be an issue? I
used the following website to setup my fresh Fedora 11 install.

Flash is not installed.  Well, the official adobe flash isn't installed.
I haven't checked gnash or swf, one of them might be.  I'll check
whether the pages it tries to load have flash the next time it happens.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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