Hi, The new FF 3.5 beta doesn't have the original scrapbook, it has the new improved version scrapbook+. When I copied over the data from FF3 scrapbook it wasn't recognized by the new version. I didn't want to lose all the captured pages I had saved over the years, so I wrote a one off python program to convert the original scrapbook rdf to a version suitable for use with scrapbook+. The data records are identical and need no change, only the rdf now has an index list. It has worked for me and I am now able to use all my original pages, but use it at your own risk. It prints all the relevant records so there will be lots of output. It won't run automatically, you need to type python convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py. And it doesn't move the data, you will have to copy that from the old firefox scrapbook data directory to the data directory for the new firefox scrapbook+ version. And merge the new scrapbook.rdf with the converted one from the program. Change the filenames and paths to reflect your situation and names. Entering them on the command line should work (I didn't test it), but it is just much easier to cut and paste into the file. The top parameters don't matter, change only the bottom input_filename and output_filename in the file. All that!!! Is it worth all that trouble? It was for me. If it is for you, here it is: import os import string import re import sys import subprocess def convert_scrapbook_to_plus(input_filename='/home/stan/.mozilla/firefox/9lae9qev.default/ScrapBook/scrapbookf10.rdf', output_filename='/home/stan/.mozilla/firefox/9lae9qev.default/ScrapBook/scrapbookf10_convert.rdf'): """ Read a scrapbook file in the old format, and write a new plus style data file so the pages can be listed in scrapbook plus. """ for line in sys.argv: print line if len(sys.argv) not in (1, 3): # need an input and output file help () # exit with some instruction # parse the rest of the command line arguments as filenames if len(sys.argv) == 3: # both an input and output file input_filename = sys.argv [1] output_filename = sys.argv [2] print input_filename print output_filename scrap_list = convert_file (input_filename) save_file (input_filename, output_filename, scrap_list) def convert_file (input_filename): """" Parse an rdf file and save the converted description records to a list. """ # Compile a search for Description descsrch = re.compile('Description') scrap_list = [] infile = open (input_filename, 'r') inline = infile.readline() while len (inline) != 0: if len(inline) > 0: if (descsrch.search(inline) != None): # Description line print inline inline = inline [:-1] inline = inline.replace ("Description", "li") inline = inline.replace ("about", "resource") inline += "/>\n" scrap_list.append (inline) inline = infile.readline() infile.close() scrap_list.reverse() print scrap_list return scrap_list def save_file (input_filename, output_filename, scrap_list): """" Save the plus version of the rdf file using the old version and the list records. """ infile = open (input_filename, 'r') outfile = open (output_filename, 'w') inline = infile.readline() while len (inline) != 0: outfile.write (inline) if len(inline) > 0: offset = inline.find('22-rdf-syntax-ns') if offset != -1: # xlmins:RDF line print inline outline = (" " + '<RDF:Seq RDF:about="urn:scrapbook:root">\n') outfile.write (outline) for indexline in scrap_list: outline = (" " + indexline) outfile.write (outline) outline = (" " + "</RDF:Seq>\n") outfile.write (outline) inline = infile.readline() infile.close() outfile.close() def help (): """ Print simple usage instructions for convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py. """ print ("Usage for convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py is:") print ("python convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py input_filename, output_filename") print ("python convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py") print ("""The input file and output file can be paths ending in a filename.""") print ("""Couple of examples: python convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py in.rdf out.rdf will convert in.rdf to out.rdf, out.rdf in new plus format. python convert_scrapbook_to_plus.py will convert the input rdf filename in the program to the output rdf program in the file.""") sys.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': convert_scrapbook_to_plus(input_filename='/home/stan/.mozilla/firefox/9lae9qev.default/ScrapBook/scrapbookf10.rdf', output_filename='/home/stan/.mozilla/firefox/9lae9qev.default/ScrapBook/scrapbookf10_convert.rdf') -- fedora-list mailing list fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx To unsubscribe: https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/fedora-list Guidelines: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate/MailingListGuidelines