Some issues in F11

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Hello, everyone.

Well, I finally got myself in a position where I could finally update from F8 to F11 - much to the complaining of another family member. Since I wanted to reorganize my file system structure, I decided to just back it up and do a fresh install of F11 (and from the looks of things, I'm glad I did). For the most part, after using it a couple of days, it seems to run okay with a few nuisances that I wanted to verify if anyone else is having the same issues or if there is a setting somewhere I'm not aware of.
- On varying software packages, occasionally (actually rarely) when I 
click on an icon or menu option I get a different menu or option than 
what I selected even though the display indicated that I successfully 
selected what I wanted.
- Upon installation, the system was unable to determine what type of 
monitor was available and doesn't give me the option to manually select 
the monitor's type or capabilities.  Since the xorg.conf file is not 
used in F11, I can't simply edit it with the display mode to use and 
when I create a new one it refuses to use the display settings I put in 
therby not taking advantage of the full capabilities of my monitor.
- When attempting to select multiple files & folder in Nautilus, instead 
of selecting the folders, it will not select them but expands them (and 
their contents) until after I have selected a few other files / folders 
first. - Sounds like a bug to me.
- I can no longer play MP3 files with Rythymbox and in Nautilus (audio 
preview) by default in F11 where it could in F8!  (This is a major issue 
with my family)
I am sure more issues will be posted later as I recognize them but if 
someone could offer suggestions, it would be helpful.

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