Re: Skype is a CPU hog on Fedora 11

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On 06/22/2009 04:42 PM, stan wrote:
On Mon, 22 Jun 2009 16:03:00 -0600
Robert Wuest<rwuestfc@xxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

Skype was working fine on Fedora 10, but on 11 it consumes 100% of a
CPU (running on a Q6600 system).  On Fedora 10, it's CPU usage was in
the noise.  After a while (a couple of minutes), the lag time
increases to where it is essentially unusable.  I just did an strace
of a call to the skype testing service thing and I don't really see
anything interesting in there.  Anybody have any ideas what could be
wrong?  Something wrong with my audio maybe?


I don't know about skype, but the flash on some sites is so demanding
(ill-formed?) that it can use all the resources in the machine unless it
is curtailed.  Is it possible you have your browser on one of those
sites, and it only appears to be skype?  One that went hog wild for me
was yahoo finance.  I ended up using noscript and turning it off. End
of problem.

I have that problem with flash, too (in F9, F10 and F11), but this is definitely skype.
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