Re: Selinux, cups, hplip

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On 06/20/2009 01:50 PM, Steven Stern wrote:
On 06/20/2009 06:12 AM, Daniel J Walsh wrote:
On 06/19/2009 07:10 PM, Steven Stern wrote:
After installing hplip-gui, I got selinux errors when checking on the
printer status.

audit2allow generated the following policy

module cups20090619 1.0;

require {
type hwdata_t;
type xdm_t;
class dir search;
class file { read getattr open };

#============= xdm_t ==============
allow xdm_t hwdata_t:dir search;
allow xdm_t hwdata_t:file { read getattr open };

xdm is checking the printer status? This allow rule indicates the X
Login program is checking the printer status. Could you attach the AVC's
you used to generate this policy.

And here's another one related to hplip

type=AVC msg=audit(1245520061.974:38037): avc: denied { read } for
pid=25561 comm="python" name="mls" dev=selinuxfs ino=12
tcontext=system_u:object_r:security_t:s0 tclass=file

type=AVC msg=audit(1245520061.974:38037): avc: denied { read open } for
pid=25561 comm="python" name="mls" dev=selinuxfs ino=12
tcontext=system_u:object_r:security_t:s0 tclass=file

Could you report this as a bug to cups. Cups has some MLS aware ness in it and maybe it is reading this file directly rather then through libselinux. CC me on the bug report dwalsh@xxxxxxxxxx
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