Re: two F11 issues

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On 06/22/2009 11:55 AM, fred smith wrote:
2) printing anything to my Brother HL2070N laser printer prints only one
line of garbage at the bottom of the page, then nothing else. Or else the
job sits in the queue forever without printing....
Same problem here with that printer on my little network. It was working 
perfectly for me in f9 using ipp and the hl1250 driver.
I could never get it to work with f11--same results you describe. The 
wedged state seems to accompany a driver problem of some sort: I get 
cryptic errors saying "/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp failed' in the printer 
config dialog, or "[Job 12] Job stopped due to filter errors..." in the 
CUPS log.
The only way I got it to work was to install the driver and lpd bridge 
from the Brother Linux support site. Not a very satisfying solution, and 
there are still glitches with it (routine, erroneous "paper out" 
condition), but at least I can print again.
I don't feel like I understand enough of what's happening or what's 
/supposed/ to happen to even file a useful bug report--which is now the 
case for huge chunks of desktop Linux, but that's a whole 'nother whine.

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