Re: Baffled by a Cable Modem

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On 06/19/2009 09:50 PM, g wrote:
Jim wrote:

Will he may have no choice,
only as last choice.

until it can accept a new MAC #.
'mac' will be same. it is factory written and unique.

disconnecting coax input cable to modem will break his internet service
and drop his dhcp connection to provider.

disconnecting modem cable output from computer will break his dhcp
connection to cable modem. when he connects back up, he will receive
same default from cable modem.

or, pull power to cable modem.

both hdcp's reset.

no reset button. no re-setup of cable modem 'password', 'vpi', 'vci',
'atm encap', 'atm pvc', etc, whatever, needed.

What your forgetting is the mac# from a previous device, Computer ,etc, some cable modems will retain that mac # and not connect to any new devices until you clear the old one.
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