Aldo Foot wrote:
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:01 PM, Bob Goodwin<bobgoodwin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It appears to me that NFS requires ports 111 and 2049, both of which
I have opened in the firewall via firestarter. But that doesn't
seem to be enough, after struggling to make a connection it also
needed some high numbered ports, right now, 43509, but that changes
from time to time. I have to keep checking the firestarter events
log on both the server and client to see what needs to be opened. I
usually block by defaullt and open only the ports needed. Perhaps
that wont work with NFS?
If anyone can offer some suggestion I would appreciate it.
Read the source[1] and eSearch for "nfs static ports". You'll
get your answer by the time you're done reading.
The key file is /etc/sysconfig/nfs.
I've spent some time fooling with the configuration. In each case it
asks for an "unused" port number. So I simply collected a list of ports
that worked from the Firestarter Events Log. As indicated "x=....."
below, that seems a rather unscientific approach but it appears to work.
Am I painting myself into a corner? I will probably want to access the
server from my daughters Apple Mac's eventually!
The client command I'm using: [root@box9 bobg]# mount.nfs
box48:/home/NFS-files /mnt/home -s
I have not been able to make nfs4 work however although it appears to be
present in F-10?
Your help is much appreciated.
The /etc/sysconfig/nfs may not exist by default on all
systems. If it does not exist, create it and add the
following variables (alternatively, if the file exists,
un-comment and change the default entries as required):
MOUNTD_PORT="x" x=57886
control which TCP and UDP port mountd (rpc.mountd) uses.
Replace x with an unused port number.
STATD_PORT="x" x=52861
control which TCP and UDP port status (rpc.statd) uses.
Replace x with an unused port number.
LOCKD_TCPPORT="x" x=37277
control which TCP port nlockmgr (rpc.lockd) uses.
Replace x with an unused port number.
LOCKD_UDPPORT="x" x=39241
control which UDP port nlockmgr (rpc.lockd) uses.
Replace x with an unused port number.
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