Help please, I cannot boot...
I had a messy setup with multiple partitions. I deleted one
(/dev/sda6 I think) and gparted renumbered the ones after it, so now
I have 1-8, with no missing hole.
This kills my boot.
I had a grub entry like:
title Fedora
root (hd0,6)
kernel /vmlinuxXX root=/dev/mapper/luks-YYY rhgb quiet
initrd /initrdXXX.img
This does nothing; I editted the (hd0,6) into (hd0,5) and it simply
asks for the luks password over and over.
I can boot in with a rescue cd or live cd; the rescue cd creates the luks
entry the same point in /dev/mapper, so I don't know what is wrong with
my boot sequence.
Is there a way to check where grub puts my luks?
Or is there a way to get back my old partition numbering, inserting
a new partition in between 2 existing ones in number?
Or should I try to make a new grub.conf - how did f11 make the
existing one anyway?
Or some other solution?
Thanks for any help!
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