Re: network question - is this unusual?

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Friday 05 June 2009 00:51:12 Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Gerhard Magnus wrote:
I recently had to deal with my ISP about a connectivity problem that
turned out to be on their end. (The tech referred to linux as lie-nux
and insisted on doing everything in XP which I fortunately had
dual-booted.) But in the process of working through this it was
necessary for me to describe the way I'd set up my LAN here and he
seemed incredulous. This wouldn't bother me except that I've gotten this
reaction before from people in the outside world but never an
explanation. So I'm asking: is there something weird about this
structure? Is there some "better" or more standard setup?

The DSL modem Actiontec modem provided by Quest plugs into the phone
jack. The Actiontec is an older model with only one ethernet plug. Since
I have four boxes, two of which are dual booting Fedora and XP, I have
an ethernet cable connecting the modem to the DSL plug of a Linksys
router. I then have separate cables connecting the four outlets on the
router to each of the four boxes. (I did all this cabling at a time
before wireless routing was as available and cheap as it is today.)

Each of the six operating systems (4 linux and 2 XP) has a static IP
address and each has a firewall. I have NFS running on the linux
systems. There's another firewall on the router, which is currently
port-forwarding only ssh and torrent data from the outside world.

I thought I'd check this out before going further....

Well, I only have 2 PCs and a printer with wired connections - the
rest are wireless connections. I also have a virtual machine or two
with a bridged connection. They all go through a Netgear wireless
router. I have static addresses for most of the machines, but I did
it using the dhcp server configuration. (If I change NICs, I have to
change the dhcp server configuration.)

About the only strange this is that I have 2 IP addresses set up for
my laptop - one for the wired connection, and one for the wired
connection. (3 if you count when it makes a VPN connection from
somewhere else...)

Isn't it unusual to connect the modem to the DSL socket on the router? The only time I've set up one where I had to use the supplied modem I used the router as a switch, connecting the modem to one of the LAN sockets.
I assumed he was just using the wrong nomenclature, since it appears to be impossible to do, the DSl socket has to be POTs (four wire) not RJ45 (XbaseT). So I assumed that he just meant the external network socket, which he called the DSL socket. Or maybe he has a router with an interesting labeling, who knows.
I really don't see how he gets all those static IPs, unless he means private 
network IPs not available to the outside.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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