Re: RPM noob (query, log, build)

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On 06/05/2009 10:41 PM, Thufir wrote:
So, I went and built my first RPM recently.  I had to go back and forth a
bit with the developers, but it's built from the most recent svn update
of curl-java, and, from what I see, is exactly what I wanted to install
is installed the way I want it installed.  However, I don't understand
why the rpm query isn't returning the expected result.
[root@arrakis i386]# rpm -qa curl-java-0.2.3-2.i386
[root@arrakis i386]# rpm -qa curl-java-0.2.3-2.i386.rpm
First, don't use "-qa" unless you need to.  Using "-qa" is really only 
useful if you're matching a glob-style pattern against all package 
names.  For instance, "rpm -qa curl*".  If you're not using a glob-style 
pattern, "-qa" is quite slow and provides no benefit over "-q".
Second, use only the name of the package with both query styles (again, 
unless you need to):
rpm -q curl-java
rpm -qa curl-java

Using the name only will work with both query styles. Using the version and arch only works with "-q".
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