Re: rsync to clone server A to server B concerns?

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Paul Ward writes:


I want to clone server A to server B using rsync.

If server A is RHEL3 on a hardware mirror and I have a newer server B
that has new hardware and needs to be the same can I use rsync to copy
the OS and installed oracle installation?
Yes, as long as the partition layout is more or less the same.

rsync won't copy over the bootloader. After the rsync completes, use the installation CD to boot into rescue mode, chroot to /mnt/sysimage, then run /sbin/grub-install.
I am concerned if the server will work afterwards due to different
hardware although both servers are IBM, and other issues like grub,
should I avoid updating grub.
As long as the hard drives have the same physical arrangement and 
partitioning, this'll work. Kudzu may go bonkers on the first boot, but it 
should figure things out. Note that if your newer hardware is not supported 
by RHEL3's older kernel, no rsync will help you. That's always a 

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