Re: I'd like to get rid of pulseaudio but ... (Gene Heskett)

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jdow wrote:
From: "Gene Heskett" <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, 2009/May/30 17:09

On Saturday 30 May 2009, Joonas Sarajärvi wrote:
2009/5/30 Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Why can't all of this audio crap have a 'service audio restart'? function?
Probably because there isn't a system-wide audio service. The
pulseaudio server usually runs in the user's desktop session.

Ok, so I add or remove a line in one of the /etc/pulse files. What do I have to kill and restart to make it re-read those config files and put the effect
into service?  Is a restart of X sufficient?

Right now, the only thing working is the kde sound effects. Any other source, like a new video with sound, is pure white noise at 120 db above the kde sound effects. Since I like to tour the news sites of an evening, I'll remove what
I installed and reboot in about an hour if no helpful advice seems to be

Also, I tried to join the pulse mailing list, but FF had a whole cow over the https certificate, and I have never seen such a strong warning from FF before
so I didn't ok it.  Could someone advise Lennert that his sites ssh
certificate is dead or compromised?

Thanks Joonas.

Joonas Sarajärvi

Cheers, Gene
You'd think if Linux and Fedora were so hot and wonderful there would be a
system wide audio service that actually worked from consoles as well as
from X. I need both to work to make my setup function correctly. So I am
stuck, crippled. That does not seem to be a problem in Windows with
multiple sessions as with Windows Server editions.

The last time I ran a system without X alsa worked fine. As said by others, 
don't stop pulseaudio, remove it. Even then it leave garbage, better to not 
install it if forcing it on people wasn't an issue with someone. There ought to 
be a choice between at install time, do you want to (a) play and record sound on 
your system or (b) play an interactive game called try to make PA work right?
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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