Re: Graphics card recommendation?

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Timothy Murphy-5 wrote:
> Thanks very much for this useful summary.
> As you said in another posting,
> I'm perfectly happy with any graphics that actually works,
> the problem lies with the younger generation
> who have higher expectations.

I have in the past 6 months bought two cheap graphics cards that I use with
the kmod-nvidia from rpmfusion and give pretty reasonable 3d graphics
performance - eg google-earth works just fine.

2) Asus 256MB 8400GS/Silent/HTP Passiv PCIe

These I bought from Amazon to get two old machines with integrated Intel
graphics working acceptably in F10. They were a) simple to plug in and go,
b) cheap, and c) did not need any additional power leads plugging in. The
first one has a very quiet fan and the second has passive cooling so no fan
at all!  Note that one is PCI and the other is PCI-e.

As others have already mentioned you need to check your motherboard for
which slots are available. Also note that both the above cards have both
digital and analogue outputs.  I did spend a fair bit of time researching
these before I bought them but they have both worked extremely well using
the driver I mentioned above.  Perhaps in the fullness of time Nvidia will
open up and allow open source 3d drivers to be developed but in the meantime
this is an easy solution for what you appear to need.
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