Re: Determining Chipsets in USB devices.

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Jim wrote:
How do you determine what Chipset is in a USB device.
Open it up physically.  That's the only way.

I have googled this with no results.
I don't see how lsusb reads chipsets.
It can't.  It can give you the manufacturer's ID and device ID.  A
number of manufacturers, however, have reused the USB IDs for different
devices or different models of the same device.  Sometimes a "lsusb -v"
would give you the model and version, but not always.

D-Link was famous for this.  They used the same USB ID for four
different versions of the same USB-based wireless network adapter--each
with a different chipset and requiring a different driver.


- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-         The Navy's a bunch of wimps!  MY job's an adventure!       -

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