Re: Skype under Fedora-10

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

I would like to transfer my Skype contacts to someone else,
but don't see any way to do this under Linux.
AFAIK your Skype contacts are held by Skype, rather like your Gmail
contacts are held by Gmail. I use Skype from several machines and have
never had to copy stuff from one to another.
I'm afraid my solution was to Backup my contacts list
under Windows XP Skype, and Restore the file when logged in
as the other user, again under Windows.

I didn't see this offered under Linux, but I didn't look very carefully.

Contacts for Skype are stored on their servers. All you need to do is 
install skype and sign in with your userid and password to get your 


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