Re: WSJ - Article on Linux netbooks

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 28 May 2009 19:41:12 Konstantin Svist wrote:
True, except for one major difference: when your printer doesn't work
under Windows, it's usually because you didn't install the driver yet
(or installed the wrong one). Unless the printer is at least a few years
old, there are always drivers for it.
Nope.  From time to time there have been windows releases where the old 
drivers would not work, and no new ones were written.  I had a SCSI Black 
Widow scanner that had to be thrown for just that reason.
Still running a 386 with Win98SE for one scanner, as long as it works I'm not going to drop most of $1k to buy another. I really can't see throwing out an expensive scanner to make a political (religious?) point of "only Linux on my systems."
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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