Re: EeePC - Fedora or Ubuntu?

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
Beartooth wrote:

In any case, I decided to try Fedora-10, and found that much more to my
liking. It actually worked better on my EeePC-4G, eg WiFi (to my
surprise) worked out of the box, while eeebuntu seemed to require
madwifi .
I have the 701, one of the earliest smallest slowest, and have been trying one distro after another. I did not get the good result with F10 that others did -- some error of mine, no doubt, but I don't know what.
My EeePC is also a 701.
As far as I can see, Fedora-10 runs exactly the same on this machine
as on my other laptops.
Is your objection to Fedora-10 itself?
(In which case you might like Eeebuntu.)
Or is there some problem with running Fedora-10 on this machine?

If I had my time again I would probably use ext2 rather than ext3
as I have seen some warnings against ext3 on SSDs.
I don't know if it is possible to downgrade an existing system?

The tune2fs program supports using an external journal, I didn't see an option to remove the journal from a filesystem, but you can use a mount option to force mount as ext2 (or could the last time I tried) a thus avoid the issue. That's as close to downgrading as I can help you get.
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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