Re: OT: Can Reformatting A Hard Drive To ext3 Destroy All the Data On It?

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Quoting "Sharpe, Sam J" <sam.sharpe+lists.redhat@xxxxxxxxx>:
2009/5/29 Alan Cox <alan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
'shred' is part of coreutils (i.e. installed by default).
Doing something like

shred /dev/sdX

as root will write various bit patterns 25 times over the entire drive
(see the man page for more options).
Whoopeeedoo. Thats still not the correct way to erase a disk.

Use security erase, that is why it is there.
I use a hammer, because it wins over all other solutions on both ease
of use and catharsis.
For laptop (1.8" and 2.5") disks, sure. A couple of good bangs and you  
have yourself a maraca.
I haven't so far been able to destroy 3.5" disks with a hammer, as the  
enclosure is quite durable. A sledgehammer would probably do the  
trick. Or, you can open up the hard drive and smash the magnetic disks.
Jussi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor

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