Re: deltaisos for F11?

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Frank Murphy (Frankly3d) wrote:
Andre Robatino wrote:
Are there any plans for deltaisos for F10->F11 to be available at release time?
Is there a step by step for doing delta iso's

Make sure the deltarpm package is installed, then see the man pages for 
"makedeltaiso" and "applydeltaiso" (the latter command is the one for 
end users).  Although the man pages don't say so, if you have the old 
ISO on media, you can replace the "oldiso" argument with "/dev/dvd" if 
the disc is mounted.  It takes a little longer but saves the trouble of 
copying the ISO file off the disc.  It goes without saying that either 
the old media or the old ISO should be verified before bothering to 
download the deltaiso.

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