Re: How to set group of video and audio devices automatically

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Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Derek Tattersall wrote:
I found that adding this to
/etc/security/console.perms.d/50-default.perms works:

<audio>=/dev/snd/* /dev/mixer* /dev/dsp*

<console>  0660 <video>      0660 root.pulse
<console>  0660 <audio>      0660 root.pulse

Then add any users who might want to use those devices to the pulse group

Unfortunately  this only applies to devices that are plugged in on boot
up. Are devices that are plugged in after boot up handled by udev?

Have you tried it? I have not looked lately, but I know that udev
used to call console.perms when a device was hotplugged, so it could
set permissions if necessary.

Yes I did try it. When the device was plugged into the USB port on boot up, the permissions were set as I wanted them to be.
When the device (A USB audio card) was plugged in after boot up, the 
permissions were not set properly.
I may have to mess with the udev rules further. Maybe if I write some 
kind of post-install script that manually sets the permissions.
Derek Tattersall

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