Re: mounting encrypted linux partition on windows

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Ah, ok.

Bruno Wolff III escreveu:
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 14:50:24 -0300,
  Damián Rodrí­guez Sánchez <damian.sanchez@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well, I've already done that: I had my root (/) and even my
swap partition encrypted during the installation process
and my Fedora works just fine. I'm kind of new at this, but
from I've seen in the internet, it seems to be common practice.
I just haven't been able to mount the root partition when
I boot Windows.
Yeah, but that's with luks. I was talking about if you switched to Truecrypt
so that you could see the partitions under Windows.

However, using the other tool that supposedly handles luks should work.

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