Updated F10 install media - like a "rollup" disc

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Hi, folks,

I run a network in a computing research lab. All my servers (about 25 or so) run Fedora, as do a number of my workstations. Because of this, I often need to build new machines from scratch, and time is, of course, short, and I end up spending a lot of time doing a basic install, then a full update of everything.
I vaguely remember reading something on the net one time about updating 
the build DVD to include the newest versions of stuff - a little like 
creating an MS Windows Rollup disk. I can't find anything now - possibly 
I've not hit on the right keywords to put into Google.
Can anyone point me at some documentation about how to do this? I'm 
currently working mostly with F10, and while I know F11 is just about to 
happen, I'm still going to need F10 installs for a while, and there are 
a lot of updates for it now.


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