Kevin Kofler wrote:
Langdon Stevenson wrote:
Can anyone suggest how I can troubleshoot this and resolve the issue? I
have found a few people had similar issues, but saw no solution suggested.
You need to include the F9 updates-newkey repo. Also make sure you're using
the "Everything" repo, not the "Fedora" repo (which contains only the
packages on the installer DVD), for the non-updated packages.
Kevin Kofler
Hi Kevin, thanks for the fast reply.
yum repolist
returns the following:
repo id repo name
adobe-linux-i386 Adobe Systems Incorporated
fedora Fedora 9 - i386
livna Livna for Fedora Core 9 - i386 - Base
rpmfusion-free RPM Fusion for Fedora 9 - Free
rpmfusion-free-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 9 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree RPM Fusion for Fedora 9 - Nonfree
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 9 - Nonfree - Updates
updates Fedora 9 - i386 - Updates
updates-newkey Fedora 9 - i386 - Updates Newkey
All of these repos are enabled. So it looks like I have your first
point covered?
My /etc/yum.repo.d/fedora.repo contains:
name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch
Which I think satisfies your second point.
Can you see anything wrong with what I have here? Is there any specific
info that I can provide which would help?
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