Re: ATI driver installation

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Kevin Kofler wrote:
Oh, and I forgot: The driver you can get from ATI is a completely different
driver than the one in Fedora, not an update. It is binary-only and
proprietary, whereas the one in Fedora is Free Software / Open Source, i.e.
comes with source code and is freely modifiable. And the proprietary driver
is reported not to work on Fedora 10. In addition, if you really want to
use that driver, you should use the packages from RPM Fusion's nonfree
section, never the manufacturer's scripts which always make a mess of your
system. GNU/Linux does not work like Window$, you should always get your
software, and especially drivers, from a package repository for your
distribution where possible (preferably the official one, then well-known
addon repositories like RPM Fusion and only as a last resort a repository
provided by the developers themselves), avoid manufacturer-provided
installers like the plague!

The properietary driver can be made to work with Fedora 10 - I did it (though it did STOP working after a while). The open-source drivers don't support all of the cards out there (my 4650HD, for example). ATI released the specs for that chip, though, so hopefully...
        Kevin Kofler

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