Re: static IP under F10

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On 12/26/08 2:53 PM, Alain Roger wrote:

i have setup a static IP for my F10 computer (which will be use later as
DB server for test development).
therefore i modify the following 3 files:

i setup my mask to as usual and after i reboot F10.
after login as user, F10 as setup eth0 inactive. when i press the button
activate, eth0 is activated but the mask turns to my default gateway
address... and internet does not work.

where is the problem ?
Did you use system-config-network to check your settings? If so, it 
could have hosed them for you in exactly this manner.  See:

Manually edit the files to set the proper netmask; and don't let system-config-network touch them. :-/
Braden McDaniel                      e-mail: <braden@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
<>               Jabber: <braden@xxxxxxxxxx>

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