Re: Fedora10 Wireless configuration

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Tom Smith wrote:

I just installed Fedora 10 on my computer and I am attempting to set up a
D-Link DWL-G520+ network card. When I use the "Network Configuration" tool
and select "Add" then try to find the network card from the list under
"Select Ethernet Adapter" I don't see my card or any wireless cards from
D-Link. What should I choose?
Your card uses one of the Texas Instrument chipsets (a lot of D-Link's
cards do), specifically the ACX111 chip and TI doesn't have an open
source driver for it.  You're probably stuck using ndiswrapper and the
Windows driver (ugly, but it works).

TI has shown a distrust of the open source arena with most of their chips. I know that a number of their chipsets can be made to transmit
and receive on frequencies and at power levels not allowed for wireless
networking by the US Federal Communications Commission by hacking the
firmware or poking various bits in the registers of the card.

Pity.  They're generally nice units.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-      "Doctor!  My brain hurts!"  "It will have to come out!"       -

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