Re: Looking for in-box supported, bootable RAID-5 SATA controller for FC9... any recos?

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Philip A. Prindeville wrote:
I went out and bought a Promise FastTrak TX4650 believing that it was, indeed, "in-box supported" in FC9.
It's not.  You have to build the drivers for your kernel, and that's 
after searching on several blogs for driver updates (the factory drivers 
are 2.6.23)
So I'm looking for a PCI (not PCI-X... my motherboard won't physically 
fit one) or PCI-e 1x or PCI-e 16x card that supports RAID 5, has in 
kernel drivers in FC9, is SATA, and that I can boot off (well, booting 
would be nice to have... but not vital).
Either something that is purely hardware RAID, or has partial hardware 
acceleration for "md".  (The motherboard, an ASUS M3A78-CM, has a 
6-channel SATA controller, but no RAID 5 functionality).
This is for a build server for our Open Source project.

Any recommendations?

Oh, and I have a max budget of about $300 USD.  Yes, I'm a cheap bastard.
HighPoint Technologies RocketRAID 2300?  PCI-e (x1-, x4-, x8- and
x16-compatible), 4 channels, RAID 0, 1, 5, 10 and JBOD.  Uses the
sata_mv driver and is bootable.  Works for me.
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
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