Fedora 10 update result in Horizontal lines

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I Installed fedora 10 on laptop HP zv6000 with ATI MOBILITY RAdEON
xpress 200 series, the installation went OK, then the update occurred.
The first update was OK, the second update added an additional
line ( on the boot menu, when reboot the screen was full of
horizontal lines, this happens before entering the user PW. 
The next I reboot and selected the original line from the boot menu with
kernel this boot OK. At this point another problem pop up I
could not send email I could receive but not sending.
After several day I update again using "su -c 'yum update'" it
downloaded several file at the end I rebooted, this time lockup at the
same point.
Is there a away to correct what ever is at fault with last update? 
If it is require to update the display drive is there an instruction how
I appreciate help.
thank you

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