Re: Fedora Architecture Questions

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On 12/09/2008 11:41 AM, Michael Peterson wrote:
Hello All,

This is my first post so please ignore the formatting. I have server questions about the Fedora 10 architecture that I will list below this message. I am need to present a brief presentation to my Operating Systems class involving various components of the OS. I have spent the past few days researching the web including multiple Fedora project websites and online databases and found nothing. If anyone is able to give me some simple answers or even relevant information or sources would be wonderful.

-CPU Scheduling algorithms used by Fedora
-Techniques used by Fedora for message passing between process/threads
-Techniques for Shared Memory
-Process Synchronization techniques supported by Fedora
-Methods of dealing with deadlocks
-What languages was used to design the OS -What API do application developers uses (is it posix)
-Implementation structure (modular, layered...)

Hi Michael,
WRT previous answers. Probably the first place to start off is This should help to get you information about your kernel related questions. Also, as previously mentioned, the Linux Operating System is essentially designed based on the Unix® operating system. However, scheduling, memory management, and message passing are different.
There are many different APIs used by application developers depending 
on the language used. Linux as a system is a conglomeration of parts 
coming from many different places. The Linux kernel is what was designed 
by Linus who still controls its contents, although there are many 
contributors. Many of the commands and utilities come from the Free 
Software Foundation (GNU),  and many other products, such as Perl and 
Apache come from additional communities. I think in terms of API you are 
being very vague, but  Linux complies with POSIX. Linux also supports 
POSIX threads, and the current threads package was actually written by 
Red Hat engineers. I hope that you now have enough pointers to get the 
information you need for your presentation.
Jerry Feldman <gaf@xxxxxxx>
Boston Linux and Unix
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