Re: Video Capture

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homburg@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
On Tue, 16 Dec 2008 14:52:05 -0500
Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx> wrote:

homburg@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Not specific to Fedora (my apologies in advance). Can
someone suggest a method by which I could capture
flash/flv content? In other words, I want to capture a
streaming video to disk. Can this be done?

I have never tried actual streaming content, if the
content is in an flv file you can just grab it with any
of several scripts. I have them for old yuoutube, current
youtube, and {something I needed at the time and forget}.
You just give it the URL and optionally the filename
where you want it.

Of course, no method seems to work on this particular site.
Nothing I do is ever THAT easy. It uses the swfobject.js
script rather than embedding the media as an object. There
is no cache so there is nothing in /tmp. Based on
experimenting with wget, the actual media is in a protected
White flag!

Stab in the dark, have you tried the Firefox plugin "Download them All" ( it is pretty good at grabbing .flv files on most sites I have been to.


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