Re: What are these F-10 boot slides?

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
I did actually read that, but didn't understand it.

In the same section, I found the sentence
"Currently, only Radeon R500 and higher users get kernel modesetting by default"
particularly puzzling.

Does this really mean that "plymouth" only works properly
with this particular kind of ATI card?

Strange ...

I think you are correct. Since plymouth needs kernel mode setting to 
work properly(without vesafb) it only works out of the box with those 
devices. However plymouth can work with most graphics if you select 
vesafb by using the vga= boot parameter. That's how I read that anyway.
I can tell you though that vga=0x318 works here on a nvidia graphics 
card and a 19" LCD with natie resolution 1280x1024.. also 0x31B is the 
proper resolution
John Brier

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