Re: Laptop Keyboard asdf, jkl;, enter disabled on boot up

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On Mon, 2008-12-15 at 00:56 +0000, g wrote:
> > keep in mind, both of these test could fail, but they did work years
> > ago when i did radio and tv services.

>You must have had a big fridge...   ;-)

>I've got a thermal repair to take care of sometime soon, if I can take
>the equipment out of service long enough to work on, and I'm not >looking forward to it. It's big, heavy, awkward, and the boards >concerned are in difficult spots. And definitely too big to put in the >fridge!
You can 'cold-spot' a motherboard etc. with compressed air, etc. A 
compressed air 'cleaner bomb' will do. You might get enough effect just 
by using a hose connected to the back end of a vacumn cleaner, blowing 
on the suspect area.
Of course, any expanding gas will draw heat from the surroundings. So 
you could use a CO2 fire extinguisher or even a butane refill for a 
lighter if you want to live *really* dangerously*. (Of course, the 
Goreacle would have you believe that you are doing more damage to the 
planet using the fire extinguisher than by releasing a more complex 
heavier more carbon carrying gas...but that's a different rant!
I presume that you have disconnected, cleaned and re-connected the 
keyboard cable connector on this laptop?

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