Re: dmraid & mkinitrd under F10 x86_64 (No Puppies Harmed)

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Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
> Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
>> Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
>>> Under F8 or F9, I had managed to build an initrd image that would
>>> automatically mount my non-boot dmraided drives without any effort
>>> on my part; this was obviously a while ago, and I'm no expert on
>>> mkinitrd. When I installed F10, it wiped out that configuration, and
>>> is instead intent upon mounting the individual drives and not
>>> initialize dmraid at all. I've been trying to get this fixed for a
>>> few days now, but can't seem to come up with an answer. Can any one
>>> give me an answer?
>>> After unmounting the individual drives, I currently activate the
>>> dmraid as root with:
>>> dmraid -a yes  nvidia_gdedfbbj
>>> Then mount the desired partitions. The device mapper device files
>>> for the partitions are in my /etc/fstab with an appropriate mounted
>>> path, which makes it a simple "mount /media/drive" command possible
>>> once dmraid has been activated.
>>> But mkinitrd seems to be where I'm having the problem. I just tried
>>> using --force-raid-probe which is listed in the usage notes
>>> (mkinitrd -h), but apparently it isn't actually available as a
>>> command line option. Would using "--with=dmraid" work?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Raymond
>> I hope this was just lost amid the packagekit threads... Any one got
>> an answer for me?
>> Thanks,
>> Raymond
> This is my second attempt to get the message noticed and possibly get
> a response. I'd like to note that no puppies, partitions, or disks
> were harmed in the making of this email, or in the upgrade from F9 to
> F10.
> Raymond

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