Re: Second try: Clarification of statement about stateless sytem]

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Aaron Konstam wrote:
I tried once and got no response so I am trying again. It is strange
that people understand all such obscure things but can't explain one of
the many gobbledygook statements made in the release notes.

In section 2.2.6 of the F10 release notes is the following statement:

Support for keeping a persistent /home with the rest of the system
stateless has been added for Fedora 10.

I don't understand that statement? Could someone explain it, especially
the meaning of the words persistent and stateless in that context.
Since nobody else is answering, I'll take a guess...  Stateless should 
mean that the OS could be installed/updated on the fly during bootup, 
whether done as a PXE boot into RAM or copied/cached on the local hard 
disk. There once was a 'stateless' linux project but I'm not sure if 
this is a specific reference or if anyone is still working on that. 
Anyway, the idea is that you can have a group of client computers with 
no maintenance or installation for the OS but the /home directories are 
saved across reboots, either on a local drive or nfs-mounted from a server.
  Les Mikesell

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