Re: Contributions

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Dave Stevens wrote:
And on that note, do you see any substantial contributions coming from 
I don't see much of code but there are a number of people with a 
background in Academics one way or the other, contributing. Usually, on 
their own.
They have salaries too even if they aren't commercial orgs,
likewise non-profit orgs and gov't. Didn't DHS contribute scalpel and foremost? didn't yum come from Duke?
Seth Vidal used to work as a sys admin in Duke and wrote yum to help 
automate more of his work. I don't know if I would consider that a Duke 
contribution necessarily but Duke has helped out in a number of other 
substantial ways. Hardware and bandwidth for some of the Fedora 
infrastructure systems for quite sometime for instance.
Let us also not forget that Larry Wall worked for the Naval Observatory
when he gave birth to Perl.  In some respects, I wish he hadn't (most
Perl code I've seen is about as spaghettish as Dartmouth BASIC).
- Rick Stevens, Systems Engineer                      ricks@xxxxxxxx -
- AIM/Skype: therps2        ICQ: 22643734            Yahoo: origrps2 -
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-                 All generalizations are false.                     -

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