Re: packagekit

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N. James Bridge wrote:
Packagekit has started to give this error message:

failed to get a TID: A security policy in place prevents this sender
from sending this message to this recipient, see message bus
configuration file (rejected message had interface
"org.freedesktop.PackageKit.Transaction" member "SetLocale" error name
"(unset)" destination "org.freedesktop.PackageKit") (0)

It appears for any request; the actual package does not seem to matter.
The list of repos is apparently empty.

However, yum prints the repo list as expected and installs packages
correctly, though it does add a similar message at the end of the

Problem started when I downloaded and installed the latest version of
GRAMPS from this site:

What's going on and how can I fix it!?


Look, I feel for you man! After the latest updates its been a bit crazy. It seems to me that Fedora's team (aka Readhat Enterprise developers) have let us down quite a bit! Look, if we are going to be their QA team so they can make some great $$ from their Enterprise distribution then they should get their act together. We are now into the holidays, how many Readhat engineers are still available until January? Not that many! In my opinion we have a long wait to go before they fix their problems and ours. By the way, I would like to use Readhat Enterprise instead of Fedora but at what $$?
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