Re: Mounting ext4 filesystems

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stan wrote:
Bill Davidsen wrote:
Is there a tool like dumpe2fs which will let me see the UUID of a filesystem in ext4 format? And if so, dare I hope that if I put the UUID and type ext4 in /etc/fstab that it will mount without my doing any manual labor?
The machine in question has kind of a variable hardware configuration, 
and I don't dare use a device name in fstab, since it could be 
wrong.Or is there a newer version of dumpe2fs in the pipeline which 
will provide that capability? The version on rawhide is the same as 
FC9, other than saying fc11 instead of fc9 in the version-id.
Is is something like /sbin/blkid you are looking for? It lists block ids for all partitions.
I am running F10 x86_64 and I just use ext4 as the type in fstab to 
mount ext4 partitions and it works fine.  They mount fine from F9 as 
well as near as I can tell.  I am able to rwx on them at least.
Yeah, what I was thinking of is "vol_id" which doesn't seem to be in the path, and provides more information (at least by default),but blkid will provide the UUID, which is all I need. Will test momentarily.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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