Re: F10: Can't add printer on fresh install

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kanato wrote:
I'm having this same problem.  I just installed 64 bit Fedora 10 and I can't add a printer, either through system-config-printer or http://localhost:631/. [1]  I've gone through the troubleshooter in system-config-printer and it connects to the network server and finds the printers.

Can someone who fixed this problem by replacing their /etc/cups/cupsd.conf post this file?  I don't have access to a working fc8 machine that I can copy it from.  I need to print from this machine, so if I can't fix this issue I will have to dump Fedora.

I don't know if this will help, and if you still want my 
cupsd.conf, post back.
I had installed F10 x86_64 last week.  When I went to print, 
the printer it had set up didn't work (hplip something).  So 
I went into System->Administration->Printers.  I selected 
New.  It gave a list of devices I could use.  I selected my 
printer from the list.  It then gave me a list of drivers 
for my printer and I chose the recommended foomatic one and 
everything worked after that.  Why it didn't do that 
automatically, I don't know, but it works now.  I deleted 
the originally assigned printer.
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