Re: f9 FireFox and Sound.

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Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
Reg Clemens wrote:
Actually I didnt answer the question asked.
Yes this has to do with FLASH, but its more than that.
I dont have any sound at all on f9.
On fc6 sound works for everything that generates sound.
You've checked all of your volume sliders?  I see sporadic sound 
failures with Flash animations on my F9 X86_64 system.  Usually, 
restarting firefox fixes the problem, so I assume its a plug-in issue.
If you're problem is more than that, I'd go back to 
system-config-soundcard and start from there.  Check your system logs 
for any/all information it gives you about your sound card during boot 
up, and go from there.
Also, check to make sure that pulse-audio is working properly if you are 
using it.  ISTR that PA became the default for sound in F9, but it may 
not be properly set up if you did a jump upgrade....
Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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