Re: Fedora 10 kickstart install ignoring "updates" repository

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On Dec 9, 2008, at 2:07 AM, David Timms wrote:

Peter Schwenk wrote:
being ignored. I know this because I do an ALT-F3 to look at the console messages, and I see one that says "ignoring duplicate repository updates with URL ['' ]". I don't understand how this repository is being considered a duplicate since the install repository and this one have different contents.
I think I remember seeing the updates repo being on the repo setup  
screen. Was that enabled as well as your local mirror update repo ?

Yep, I added a "repo" line for it in my kickstart file.  The console  
message shows that it looked at the repo but "ignored" it because it  
considered it to be a duplicate.  My install repo and the updates repo  
certainly aren't the same, but something makes the install think it is.

Peter Schwenk
Campus IT Associate 3
Mathematical Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE  19716-2553
schwenk _at_ math _dot_ udel _dot_ edu
(302) 831-0437 (v)

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